
Private Yoga Lessons in Denver

Private Yoga Lessons in Denver

Hi, my name is Shea Thielemann, and I’m a yoga instructor (RYT 200) that offers private yoga lessons in Denver.

You may be feeling overwhelmed and anxious, stuck in patterns of inflexibility and discomfort, or disconnected from your body in general. I understand how that feels, and I’d love to partner with you on your journey of self discovery.

I help people foster healthier, more connected relationships with themselves through the embodied practice of yoga. As a yoga instructor AND a therapist, I offer a unique approach to teaching my clients yoga. My years of experience as a clinician and counselor have helped me hone an ability to meet people where they are and conceptualize why people do what they do. When we bring this skill to the practice of yoga, it can be an incredibly insightful experience.

If you’re interested in connecting more fully with yourself and your body, schedule a complimentary, 15 minute, phone consultation with me today. Note that I offer private yoga lessons throughout the state of Colorado (contact me for information about traveling to you).

My approach to private yoga lessons

I operate under the guiding belief that yoga is a tethered practice for every body. Early on, in my career as a therapist, I began to notice the toll my day job was taking on my body. Mostly, this manifested through minor aches and pains, stiff joints and higher levels of anxiety throughout the day. I knew enough to know that I wanted to engage in a physical activity that would be sustainable and improve overall mobility and wellness. However, I had never stepped into a yoga class before, let alone know what the word “namaste” actually meant. Somehow, I wrangled up the courage to attend my first studio class, and that is where my love of my relationship with the yoga mat began. You see, as a therapist, we are always looking for “mirrors” - things in life that teach us and reflect more of who we are to ourselves. Yoga has been a beautiful, sometimes uncomfortable teacher for me.

What I offer my yoga clients in private yoga lessons is a safe space to practice “looking into their mirror” without judgement. Anytime we engage the mind, as well as the body, the soul benefits deeply.

My private yoga lessons in Denver are ideal for someone looking to have a structured, practical way to implement some of the emotional or mental lessons they are wanting to learn. Upon an initial consultation and intake session, you and I will collaborate on developing a treatment plan for each of your private sessions (see package offerings below). During each private session, we will focus our attention on 2-3 areas of concentration and I will build a yoga flow around your specific needs and goals.

Package 1 - Child’s Pose - this package is perfect for anyone who is new to a yoga practice and looking to build a basic knowledge of the practice, as well as work on 1-2 personal goals.

• Includes: 1 (45 min) intake session + 1 (60 min) private yoga session focused on poses and safe alignment + 2 (60 min) private yoga sessions tailored to your needs + 1 (30 min) reflection session = $400

Package 2 - Eagle - this package is perfect for someone who is familiar with a yoga practice, but wants to dig deeper into their physical practice and/or focus on 2-3 personal goals.

• Includes: 1 (45 min) intake session + 5 (60 min) private yoga sessions tailored to your needs + 1 (30 min) reflection session = $550

Package 3 - Crow - this package is for the experienced yogi who is wanting to hone a particular part of their physical practice, challenge themselves, and focus on 3-4 personal goals.

• Includes: 1 (45 min) intake session + 2 (60 min) and 3 (90 min) private yoga sessions tailored to your needs + 1 (30 min) reflection session = $700

Individual private yoga lessons can be bought separately and as needed.

$80 - 60 min; $120- 90 min

Intake session must be done prior to an individual private yoga lesson.

$100 - 45 minute yoga intake/assessment

Private Yoga Lessons FAQs

What is the practice of yoga?

Yoga is both a physical and spiritual discipline or practice that uses breath and asanas (or poses) to engage the body. Most yoga practices include a series of postures and poses that together make up a “practice” or class. There are many different styles of yoga and ways of teaching. However, all yoga practices are mindful ways to create connections between the mind, body and spirit.

What is the difference between attending a studio yoga class and a private yoga lesson?

There are benefits to both a larger class setting and a private yoga lessons, but it is important to know, as the student, that each service offers different benefits. The benefit to a private yoga session is that they are highly customizable and specifically tailored to your needs and areas of interest. While people experience great personal gain from any yoga practice, working with a yoga teacher in a one-to-one setting can drastically improve your overall knowledge/understanding of the practice of yoga, as well as your comfort level and compassion for your own body.

Who could benefit from a private yoga lesson?

Anyone! Okay, we are biased. However, at Tethered Practices we truly believe that anyone and everyone can benefit from having a regular yoga practice and especially from a private yoga lesson. The ability to work collaboratively with a yoga instructor and have a practice tailored to your specific needs and questions is one of the best ways to learn more about your body and what knowledge it has to teach you. Whether you are more focused on the physical practice of yoga or curious about the mental health component, together, we can create a flow and experience you will not regret having.

What if I’ve never practiced yoga before?

Not a problem! Beginners are welcomed and encouraged to participate at Tethered Practices. One of my passions is introducing clients to yoga in a way that allows it to be accessible for them, whomever they are and whatever life stage they find themselves in. If you are brand new to having a yoga practice, then we will dedicate some of our time together in the beginning teaching you the basics of the flow and safe postures and alignments for your body.

What do I need to know about Denver yoga therapy?

Different from a “yoga therapist”, I am a Registered Yoga Instructor and a Licensed Professional Counselor. My services combine the skill sets of teaching yoga as a practice and helping individuals learn more about themselves and their stories to create a unique blend of the two worlds, through creating customized private yoga lessons. In our time together, you can choose to focus more on the physical challenge of the practice or how yoga as a practice can teach you about your mental and emotional world. I am not qualified to help in the areas of medical issues or physical injury therapies (ie: chiropractor, physical therapist, pelvic floor specialist, etc). However, I would be happy to refer you to a professional who does specialize in that should you need any of those services.

The process of self reflection and discovery is a meaningful, but scary one. I have years of experience walking with people through their stories and helping them integrate them into their lives. I take the same approach with my yoga services. I believe our bodies are one of our greatest teachers and It would be a privilege to journey with you as we learn more about what it wants you to learn. If you’re interested in connecting more fully with yourself and your body, schedule a complimentary, 15 minute, phone consultation with me today!